
Oni_Team - Carl-48.jpg

Hi, I’m Carl

Wellington Personal Trainer, NZ.
(Also a Kettlebell Geek, Unconventional Training Fan, Former Teacher, Husband, and Father of 2 monsters).

My passion is helping people achieve things they didn’t think they could in their fitness, health and sometimes life.

Fitness has been a life saver for me. It’s been there in the ups and downs of my life, helping me through the hard bits, and getting me to some of the best highs.

Travelling through countries by bicycle, charity boxing matches, supporting teens in outdoor challenges, raising a young family, changing careers, moving country, dealing with mental health and stress… the list goes on.

Being able to change my health and fitness has allowed me to do so much, and now I want to share that with people like you.

Personal Achievements:

RKC Level 1 Instructor
Original Strength Level 1 Coach
Exercise Assoc. NZ Finalist: Up & Coming PT of the Year 2021
NZ Certificate in Exercise Level 4
3rd Degree Guro (Instructor) Rapid Arnis
Bachelors of Arts & PGCE Secondary Teaching
Cycled Length of Rhine River in Europe, & NC500 Route in Scotland